Friday, November 9, 2012

On the Grey Poupon Society of Good Taste

I am highly skeptical of Facebook apps and am the first to close out of any page that wants access to my information or to post on my behalf.  Though I have snuffed and blocked countless app requests, I just couldn’t resist Grey Poupon.  Yes, you read correctly.  I threw my Facebook app morals out the window for a silly jar of mustard.

I think it was maybe my pride that did me in.  Telling me that I had to “cut the mustard” and be approved to like their page.  That if I was not deemed worthy or lacked good taste, my “like” would be rescinded.  Of course I would make the cut.  Who are you to tell me that I am not tasteful enough to like your trivial yellow goop?  When the Society of Good Taste first commenced, I rejected their app request because I’m better than them anyway.  But as time ticked on, there was this nagging pull running deep inside of me beseeching me to prove to not only myself but to everyone around me that I, Sarah Michelle Matley, CAN cut the mustard!
But I digress.  The moral of this slightly hyperbolic blog post is that exclusivity, teamed with curiosity, with a dash of creativity, makes for a delicious ad spread.
Oh- and I totally made the cut.  As if it was every really a question.

Mood: Tasteful

Thursday, October 11, 2012

On #FirstWorldProblems

This morning I came across a video ad for Water is Life called“First World Problems Anthem.” This PSA style advertisement features individuals living in third world environments speaking about first world problems as popularly hash tagged on Twitter.
Perhaps this ad centers a bit heavily on guilt, and, ironically, those using the hash tag are usually alluding to the fact that they are aware that they are not experiencing a real problem; but there is an undeniable truth that we all too often forget.
If you are reading this blog, there is a very high likelihood that you are in the top 2% of the wealthiest people in the world.  As I watched this video, my irritated haste to finish my cup of coffee before it crossed the lukewarm border was suddenly irrelevant.  When I stop and consciously think about my life, I am too incredibly blessed to even begin to put it into writing.  Besides the obvious things to be thankful for (friends, family, health, food, water, etc.) there are so many more blessings that I often present as complaints.
Recently a friend was telling me about her experience at a silence retreat.  She said that during this weekend of zero verbal communication, she realized that every time she wanted to say something, it was a complaint.  “It’s cold in here” or “I’m hungry,” “This food is gross” or “I’m tired.”  It made me think about how true this is in my life as well.
Whether I’m complaining about work, family, friends, technology, etc., there is so much unnecessary negativity each day.  I’m not saying we should all hold hands around the campfire singing Kumbaya and talking about how awesome double rainbows are, but maybe we could benefit from a more positive life view. All of us can think of that one person we know whose positivity lists our spirits- that person that we actually enjoy spending time with because we come away refreshed. And of course we all know a few negative Nellys, Nancys and Neds.
This year, as we approach the season of Thanksgiving and the season of family, friends and giving, let’s make a conscious effort to convert our griping into gratitude, because we are truly blessed.
If you would like to join me in this self-improvement initiative, I have included a Thanksgiving exercise below that I used previously when teaching middle school students.  It may feel cheesy at first, but I can never walk away from this exercise without feeling renewed.

Instructions:  Write down 5-10 of your most common complaints.

1. Everything is so expensive that I rarely have enough “fun money.”
2. Traffic is horrible.  I have to leave early in the morning to make it to work on time because it takes me an hour to get there.

Now re-write your above statements as reasons to be thankful.
1. I am very thankful to bring in an income that enables me to have a place to live, one or more cars to drive, multiple outfits to wear, a variety of meal options, power/running water, and even sometimes allows me to do fun stuff like travel or go to the movie theater.
2. I am very thankful to have the financial means to own a car and the physical means to drive it.  I am very blessed to have a paying job in this economy that I do not have to walk to.

Whether we are tweeting, talking, or just thinking to ourselves, a little positivity can go a long way. Of course if you do not have time to complete the above exercise, you can always boost your spirits by watching my favorite curly haired optimist.

Mood: Thankful

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On Presidential Marketing

It’s that time of year where American flags fly high and Facebook feeds flood with both positive and negative (educated and uneducated) comments about who will be the next leader of our country.  I really can’t imagine the pressure of being a political leader, or any celebrity figure for that matter; having your every word and action scrutinized by the nation- even across the world.  Not only are your political and moral stances judged, but your specific word choices, vocal tones and body language, the tie you wear, how much your wife spends on her wardrobe, how you raise your children, etc are being put under the media microscope.  People across the world are sitting in front of their televisions or radios, waiting to put you in a box.  Every single moment has an impact.

I would imagine that typically presidential candidates might be able to assuage their insecurities by knowing that while half of the country hates them, the other half loves them.  It’s almost expected that once you are in the Republican or Democratic box, you will be endeared by your political party.

What is peculiar about this year’s election is that while both candidates fit in their perspective boxes well enough, their parties aren’t particularly excited to associate with either box.  As one SNL skit jokes, “You can either stick with what’s been barely working, or take your chances with [Romney].”

This year, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney not only need to fight against their opposing party, but they also need to win over their own party.  It is especially important, as this season winds up, that every word and action these candidates make directly impact their personal brand as well as their party’s brand.  Like any marketing campaign, every word, color, style, sound, and movement either reinforces or negates their brand image. This is not a job for them to be themselves; rather it is a job for them to be their box.  It’s targeting on steroids- attempting to prove to their target that they still want this “product.”  For the next four years anyway.

Which box do you fit in? Take this quiz and find out.

Mood: Un-convinced

Friday, September 28, 2012

On How To Get People to Read Your Blog

Did it work? Obviously, since you are now reading my blog. But why did you choose to read this particular post?  There are three primary reasons you clicked this link, and they all directly relate to the power of “how to.”
1. Obvious headline.  You knew exactly what this blog was about before clicking; there was no cutesy cliché or clever yet vague play on words.  You clicked this link because you wanted to learn how to get people to read your blog.  You asked, and you assumed based on the title that I would answer.
2. You are empowered.  When you see a blog or video or book that is “how-to” focused, it means that you aren’t just learning about someone else’s product or service and how great it is, but you are going to learn how to best utilize that product or service.  This empowers you to take the next step in executing whatever you are trying to do- whether it’s getting people to read your blog, or learning how to cook a pot-roast, or how to plant tomatoes.  It’s no longer about the advertiser or speaker- it’s about you.
3. Keywords. Think SEO, SEO, SEO.  “How to” is one of the most commonly searched phrases online.  Google alone pulls up about 12,820,000,000 results in 0.20 seconds.  How-to videos and articles are extremely popular online and there is a high likelihood that if you didn’t find this link directly from my Twitter or Website post, you found it through a “how-to” search.  Using strategic keywords in your online titles can have a direct, positive impact on your SEO and readership. Of course you still have to think sensibly about titles- not every article can start with how-to unless you want to tack it on as an accessory like “how to watch this cute video about kittens” or “how-to agency launches new campaign!”
How can you make “how-to” work for you?  Simple.  Just answer the question.  Regardless of what your expertise is, whether it is in advertising/marketing or a particular industry, if you know how to do something, blog it or video it and you will watch your readership skyrocket.  This tactic positions you online as an expert in your field.  You become someone that others will go to for answers.
As for the reason you are still reading this post: How can you get people to read your blog?  Write to them. Use less “I” language about yourself or your brand, and more “you” language about how your reader can best benefit from listening to what you have to say. Find their questions, and find an interesting way to accurately answer them. Become someone they want to hear from.
For an example of a successful How-To Campaign, check out this case study from OC Creative Media (now Sparkhouse).

Mood: Educated

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On Shoes: A Plea to Digital Marketers

Dear Digital Marketers

I have a bone to pick with you.  There I was, sitting on my couch, browsing through my Facebook feed, when I saw it.  Your web banner.  I know you inundate my page with art and offers, but this one was different. It was unique. It was beautiful. It was like I was staring at the one thing that would complete me- or at least my wardrobe.

There on the right side of my screen, 4.25 inches down, was the most perfect, stunning, fantastic pair of shoes I had ever seen.  All of your demographic “creeping”  had finally paid off, for you and me, because you had found for me the exact thing that I did not realize I had been missing for my entire life.  You found my bliss.  These weren’t just shoes- these were THE shoes.  They were already a part of me.

Instantly my mind started racing with infatuation for these perfectly designed 3.5 inch stiletto heels as I thought about all of the clothing items in my closet eagerly awaiting these incredible shoes arrival to finally accomplish the mission of completing the perfect outfit ensemble.  So with giddiness and glee I enthusiastically clicked your web banner. 

I spent nearly seven minutes of my life clicking, and typing, and making up passwords that require more complicated settings than my personal bank account, taking style quizzes, giving you my email (my good email! Not even my spam account) until finally I would reach the promised land of being able to purchase my shoes; I risked carpal tunnel to type quickly enough to purchase before they sold out.  But it was worth it.  This was in the name of the perfect pair of shoes.

Now after all of this effort and pent up excitement, imagine my disappointment when I could not find my pair of shoes anywhere on your website.  After scrolling through pages of your “suggestions”, my shoes that I so fervently clicked on were nowhere to be found.  Oh the humanity!

Not only did you once post this image that so seductively lured me in, now you continue to post the same banner ad every day, and on multiple sites.  Why do you taunt me so! What did I ever do to you besides help you boost your PPC by clicking on your banners? 

I conclude with this plea:  Dear Digital Marketers, please take me to the shoes on which I am compelled to click.  Please, help me help you turn your banners into revenue.  Let’s work together.  It’s for the shoes.

Shoeless Sarah

Mood: Dramatic

Thursday, August 30, 2012

On London and France... and Free Underpants

The Japanese have a very different style of advertising than Americans.  They would definitely get an A+ in outside-the-box creative thinking.  The latest ad craze is ad-supported underwear.    I do not speak or read Japanese, not even a sukoshi (Japanese for a little bit),  but fortunately Gizmodo was able to help me out.

As far as I can tell, you simply fill out a questionnaire via website or smart phone, agree to proudly wear company logos on your derriere, and then wait for your free intimates to come in the mail.  I will do just about anything for a free t-shirt, so getting seven free pairs of undergarments every month would be like monthly Christmas for me, but I have to ask what the logic is.  What compels advertisers to believe that spending the money to stamp their logo on drawers across the nation is a wise and fruitful investment?  I’ve been to Japan, and while I did see a myriad of culture differences from the USA, I do not recall anyone walking through the streets pants-less.   Maybe it’s just an incredibly specifically targeted  form of direct mail and they hope to win that individual consumer for life via undie bribery.

Perhaps this trend will spark the latest and greatest ad fad and make its way to the states.  Perhaps this piece of clothing will henceforth be dubbed “mentionables.”

Mood: Fascinated

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

On The Most Interesting Campaign In The World

I don’t always write interesting blogs, but when I do, I prefer to blog about Dos Equis.  If you’re a commercial junkie like me, I’m sure you’re well acquainted with the most interesting man in the world.  But a television icon can only take a brand so far.  To really reach deep into your demographic, you have to take to the streets. That is why starting this week, Dos Equis is road-tripping to a city near you (They will be in San Diego from October 3-13) to serve up such delicacies as alligator tail empanadas, jellyfish baguette, or grilled kangaroo.  Yum.

Everything about this campaign is interesting smart. The copywriting is genius.  What sets this brand apart from the countless other beer companies in the world?  They’re different.  They’re interesting.  Rather than showing scantily clad women and frothy glasses like every other beer ad, they went deeper in appeal to the male psyche with the message of “Drink Dos Equis and your life will be interesting. You will be more interesting. Don’t just stay thirsty for beer, stay thirsty for life.”  On and off screen this brand is not just marketing a beer, but a movement to do something unheard of.  Is it over-dramatic for me to classify a beer campaign as a movement?  Maybe, but who doesn’t want to be inspired to do something exotic, even if through a satirical fictional manly man.

What is the most interesting thing I’ve learned from the world’s most interesting man?  If you want to be successful in life, you have to try new things.  Put on your big girl shoes, take a big bite of your jellyfish baguette and dare to be interesting.

Mood: Fearless 

Follow Up:  It's here! I finally had my chance to dive into an interesting lunch. While I couldn't muster up the bravery for the Octopus Tostada (something about actually seeing suction cups and tentacles poking out through the beans), the Hare Paella and the Prawn Samosa accompanied by a Mango Soda were deliciously interesting.  The Dos Equis Marketing Team is truly an example of innovation and excellence at their finest.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

On Niche Marketing

Where is your demographic on Saturday morning?  For me, most Saturday mornings consist of some serious bonding time with my pillow, followed by a hot cup of coffee and some sort of breakfast item prepared at my leisure.  I, like most Americans, spend my Saturdays in chill-mode.  Saturdays are prime time for television and newspaper ads, but maybe it’s time to think outside the tube. 
This past Saturday, I joined a select few of my more adventurous friends and woke at the crack of dawn to don our white apparel and cruise down to Petco Park for the Color Me Rad 5k.  If you’ve never done a color run, I highly recommend it.  (Note- this is being recommended by someone who typically runs only when being chased, so don’t let 3.5 miles scare you away from all the fun)  Loosely based on the Holi Festival of Colors, Color Me Rad starts with a run and ends with what is essentially a massive street party, only instead of punch and pretzels, it’s color dyed corn starch. (Gluten free since 2012).  It takes a certain type of person to wake up at 5:20a (yes, the dark one) and run into a mob of rainbow powder-pelting peers.  But we do exist, and are what you might call a niche.
After our event concluded, we started walking back to the parking lot and were greeted by a spokesperson for 5-hour energy drinks.  I’ve never purchased one before, but I had an actual person spend some time talking to me about what was in the drink, ask me why I’d never tried it before, and offer me a free sample.  Much more powerful than an on-screen pitch.  When we arrived back at our car, we had a flier for an 80s costume race definitely focused more on fun than a run.
Two excellent examples of groups that did their homework and found their niche market.  It’s not a stretch of imagination to assume that if I am willing to wake up early to participate in a color run, I might be willing to try an all-natural energy drink or wear a pointy bra in my next 5k.
In my opinion, more companies should have taken advantage of this opportunity.  Where was Jamba Juice?  Or McDonalds with their all new under 400 calorie breakfast sandwiches? Where were the gyms offering new member discounts or free guest passes? Want to find your target demographic on a Saturday morning? Find their niche.

Mood: Alive

On Having a Loud Bark with your Byte

“He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help” Abraham Lincoln
Everybody has an opinion, and everybody has an opinion on having opinions.  Most people believe it is noble to have bold opinions and to voice them loudly and unapologetically, as long as those opinions match with their own.  As soon as a voice becomes contradictory, we call it a hate crime, and rush to silence them. Or as soon as opinions become inconvenient, we ditch them.
If you’ve been on any social media or website in the past week, you may have predicted where my burst of opinion on opinion is stemming from.  I can’t go more than 5 minutes without seeing another pro or anti Chick Fil A statement.
It’s not the first time that something like this has happened.  Several companies have taken stances on the issue of homosexuality and gay marriage and many either have been boycotted or crowds have simply threatened to boycott until they decided that was far too inconvenient for them (i.e.- DisneyStarbucksGAPJC Penney. )
Will the boycott on Chick Fil A stick? Maybe. Personally, I think it’s a lot easier to stick with taking a chicken sandwich out of our diet than it is to withhold our every morning piping hot soy-no-whip-low-fat-carma-frapa-venti-latte-datte-da drink or a family fun Disney day or front row ticket to the new 3D Finding Nemo theater experience. My question is do we really believe in what we are fighting for, or has social media led us into what I like to call, the Chihuahua effect.
If a company is supporting something that we feel is morally wrong, we should do whatever is in our power to stand up for our beliefs and to raise awareness of their unethical tactics.  But one can’t help but notice though how loudly the bark is on social media but how non-existent the bite is in reality.  It’s easy to type up a heated status condemning someone or something and think nothing of it apart from freedom of speech, but become outraged when an opposing view pops up on the Twitter feed.  Or to post every witty meme and Wonka photo we can find, but never actually do anything to fix the problem. It’s ok to have opinions, but condemnation might just be adding to the noise.
Actually acting on our convictions may just make the difference between whining and winning.

Mood: Opinionated

Friday, June 29, 2012

On Perception

Whenever a new creative project kicks off, there’s usually a myriad of opinions floating around.  The client knows what they want but lacks the skill or ability to produce the visual in their head, or doesn't know what they want but knows clearly what they don’t want.  The Account Manager feels responsible for pleasing the client so they have their interpretation of what the client wants and what would be best.  The Creative Director leads the Creative Department and as such feels like an authority on the matter and wants to spin their own creative interpretation of the request.  All three opinions (though potentially very different) may be great, but whose is the most important?  Answer- None of the above.  

The most important opinion is the consumer’s.  The consumer is the one that will be looking at the advertisement, and most will not even notice the amount of work you put into it, or the strategy behind why you chose those colors and characters, and won’t care.  What they care about is whether it is aesthetically pleasing, and if it makes them want to purchase the product/join the movement/whatever your ad was asking them to do.

The same as in life, it’s easy to think that what we are trying to communicate and how we communicate it are the most important details, when really, the majority of our communication success lies in how our communication was perceived.  The most effective communication comes through selflessness- meaning the best communication comes with thinking like your audience.  People respond to things they connect with.  If you want to reach your consumer, learn about them, think like them, speak to not at them.

Mood: Perceptive

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

On Facebook Freedom and Discernment

I started my Facebook page my senior year of high school as a mom-safe alternative to MySpace.  Since everyone and their mother (quite literally) had MySpace accounts, I was constantly getting checked up on by other moms who would report my daily doings to my mom.  I never had anything bad or offensive on my page, I was the quintessential goody-good, but it sometimes bothered me that “MySpace” was not actually my space.  I was raised in a fairly sheltered and conservative home so the moments of true independence and me-time I had in my life, I could probably count on one hand.  I was ecstatic to learn that you had to be a college student to use Facebook.  I’d already been accepted into school so I plugged in my new email and wrote myself into my profile.  Whether through photos, videos, blogs, status updates, etc, I finally had a creative outlet that I was completely free to be me – no discernment needed.
Fast forward a couple of years, Facebook opens up to high school students, then middle school students.  Fast forward some more time, Facebook opens up to the general public.  Fast forward again, open to marketers.  Currently, I have 1,238 Facebook friends.  While it is still my space, it’s not just a page I share with my friends- everything I do (sometimes even apart from Facebook) is now seen by my friends, my colleagues, my parents and family, my kids that I mentor and babysit, my pastor, my former college chancellor, that guy I met at the Library that one time sophomore year, the school mascot, and advertisers for any product/service you can imagine.  Facebook may as well be a public website (technically, it is- regardless of your privacy settings- but that’s a blog for another day).
There are countless complaints regarding the lack of privacy on Facebook.  People are astounded when they don’t get hired for a new job based on inappropriate Facebook photos, or they get fired for posting that they skipped work to do drugs.  Their argument:  “It’s my page, my life, no one else’s business.” I want to be able to live my life as I want to, and document it.
The flip side : If I’m looking to hire an employee and invest my time and finances in training and salary, I want to know that they’re not just a quality resume, but that they’re a quality person.  And ultimately, if there’s a photo or comment that I am not comfortable with my mother/sister/pastor/boss/random guy from sophomore year seeing, maybe I should evaluate my actions/words. Read what employers are thinking when they look at your facebook page. 
While one can make the argument that they should be able to exercise freedom of speech and expression, I’d caution to remember that all actions have consequences whether good or bad. Rather than thinking about it as censorship, consider it astute discernment.  As quoted by Mark Zuckerberg’s character in The Social Network, the internet is written in ink. As cathartic as it may be, does the World Wide Web really need to see your beer pong skills or know that your boss is a jerk? Probably not.  Perhaps comments like “I hate my job” or “I got sooooo wasted last night” are better left unwritten.

Mood: Discerning

Thursday, June 21, 2012

On Product Placement

Call me nerdy but one of my favorite "games" to play while watching television or a movie is "Find the Product Placements." Product placement is ubiquitous in media.  I love to imagine the strategy behind it.  Why did the Marketing VP of Oreo Cookies decide to place their product in the TV show "Friends" rather than "7th Heaven"? What would have happened if Wayne had eaten a Domino's Pizza instead? Are the decision makers at M&Ms prejudice against extraterrestrials?  Why this show or that movie? Why do television/movie producers seek out specific products as opposed to others?  At what point does a brand become so powerful that they can take advantage of free placement (i.e. Apple Computers)? My fascination goes beyond movies and television- it's the whole media plan.  Why does a marketing team pick the particular avenues that they do? Why do I pick the avenues that I do when it comes to the brands I am responsible for?

Sometimes the logic seems a bit hazy, and sometimes it just makes perfectly obvious sense. (Note- Not exactly "product placement", but smart ad placement.  Please do not judge me by my current Pandora playlist stations)

Mood: Inquisitive

On the Art of Schmoozing

"to chat intimately," 1897, from Yiddish shmuesn "to chat," fromshmues "idle talk, chat," from Heb. shemu'oth "news, rumors."Schmooozer is from 1909.
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper 

Schmoozing has a somewhat negative connotation.  Typically it's associated with shady car salesmen or vendor shows- sellers kissing buyers behinds regardless of how they feel about them to keep the money trail happy.  It's not something I enjoy doing, or am good at doing- perhaps why I shy away from the sales side of advertising.  I pride myself on honesty and transparency.  I don't particularly care for being schmoozed either- I want people to be real with me; I don't want to feel manipulated or patronized.  But schmoozing does not always have to be a negative thing.  In fact, according to its roots, it's not negative at all. It wasn't until "chatting intimately" (which obviously leads to successful relationship marketing) was discovered as a successful sales tactic that it progressed from a methodology to a cheap tactic.

Recently, I purchased a Groupon that allowed me to sample several fitness classes from various gym facilities.  While each has offered effective workouts and knowledgeable instructors, one stood out.  There are two key ways this gym successfully "schmoozed" me.

1. They made it personal.  After the very first class that I signed in for, they remembered my name.  That is huge. It didn't cost them a thing, and it completely won me over.  When I bragged on this to my younger sister she said "Of course they remembered your name Sarah, they want your money.  You're in marketing, you should know that."  Do they address me personally because they want me to commit to coming back? Maybe.  But I'm in the market for a gym, and when I compare my options, I will always pick the one that knows me.  Even though they are group classes, every instructor addresses me personally and helps me master each technique and push myself to the next step in each consecutive class. They help tailor exercises to my body's capabilities, and even pre-heat the shower for me when I'm in a rush for work after class. They clearly love their jobs and want to be there, and care about my personal fitness goals and motivate me to do my best. In my book, that is huge.

2.  They gave me swag.  I am all about the swag and getting the biggest bang for my buck.  I am extremely frugal (borderline cheap) so the more "free" swag you throw my way, and the better of deal I feel like I'm getting, the more inclined I am to bite.  Apart from state of the art equipment and great instructors, this facility offered me free parking (that alone would have won me over- parking is terrible in this city), free member events, at-cost liquids and snacks, and a fully stocked bathroom (gels, sprays, razors, flat irons, the works).  Everything I need to have a successful fitness routine is at my fingertips. 

Want to increase your consumer base and garner customer loyalty?  Start schmoozing.  Not the sleazy kind of schmoozing, but start really caring about what you do and who you're doing it for.  It can be tempting to focus on the reasons you hate your job, or how you're working on this project strictly to fulfill your quota or put the bacon on the family table, but a changed attitude can change everything.  Focus on the reasons you love your job (even if those reasons are that it keeps you from being homeless, or it teaches you patience, humility, and how to love stupid people- there's always a positive if you dig deep enough) and focus on how you can do your best to best enhance yourself as an individual as well as the company and the consumer.  Learn names, send thank yous, give away swag, ask someone how they're doing and actually stop to listen.  Learn how to excel in the art of schmoozing  intimate conversation.  

Mood: Schmoozy

Monday, June 18, 2012

On Selling Sex

Sex is everywhere. Why? Because it's stimulating, compelling, addictive, and it sells. I recently read a blog post by Karen Strauss of Ketchum titled Sex Sells- But at What Cost? addressing the marketing responsibility (predominately among youth marketers) regarding the use of sexual imagery in advertising.

Marketers have been pushing the envelope for years trying to walk the ever so delicate line of racy and raunchy.  Should sexual content be used in marketing promotions? Let's weigh the pros and cons.

1. Sex is stimulating. Compelling. Addictive. And it sells. You can't deny that sex grabs your attention. Even as a female, I can't help but stare when a bikini clad women crams a guacamole cheeseburger down her throat while washing her car or when a scantily clad couple is rolling around in high def. For men especially, visual imagery can instantly ignite stimulation and like a trainwreck, we are compelled to stay glued to the scene.  Sex releases the chemical oxytocin which aids in a bonding emotion. Though this is released through actual relations, the mental connection is still there and aroused by basic imagery or thoughts. On top of the obvious endorphins, even thinking about sex can make one feel good, happy, alive. Typically when one feels good, happy, and alive, and associates those feelings with your product or cause, it's a recipe for some pretty spectacular R.O.I.

1. If you misinterpret your target demographic, you may offend and/or lose them.  Both Carls Jr and JC Penny as well as a handful of other brands have experienced loss of consumer loyalty through their objectification.  You can also run the risk of your consumer being so consumed with the sexual imagery, they ignore or forget your brand/product completely.

2. Selling sex cheapens it.  Sex is a beautiful, wonderful thing- when in the context it was intended for.  Call me old fashioned, but I'd like to think that my body is an invaluable gift- not something to give away or objectify for a cheeseburger or sniff of cologne.  Sex is sacred, and when media positions it as something to throw around willy-nilly, it loses that.  It's now something of mild entertainment and recreation. Despite the popular media belief, not everybody is doing it. Sex sells cheap, but the cost is extravagant.

3. It can be socially irresponsible.  Some advertisers have found a way to responsibly promote sexual products to the appropriate demographic (In my opinion, KY-Yours + Mine and Lotions and Lace fit this description).  Most have not. The concluding line of the Ketchum blog states:
"The pornification of pop culture is having a more profound influence on perceptions and behaviors than we may want to acknowledge. For youth marketers in particular, it’s a topic of serious importance. The next social responsibility battleground, it seems, is addressing and portraying sexuality in healthy terms. It doesn't have to be something we giggle about like confused 12-year-olds anymore. Maybe it’s time we all grew up – marketers included."
I personally don't care for the times I have had to explain to an eight year old what Viagra does and why a 4-hour erection could be detrimental to ones health, or watch an eleven year old giggle at the couples hair standing up straight after an electrifying experience.  Aside from being uncomfortable, I want to be able to watch a family television show without worrying about children's eyes being subjected to adult material.  It concerns me to leave the goal of "portraying sexuality in healthy terms" to an ad agency that wants to sell condoms or beer.  If the primary goal is sales, not my kid, that means the passion is in the numbers, not the nurture, and there will never be an objective consensus on this matter.

If you ask me, when it comes to selling sex, the cons outweigh the pros 3-1 easily. While I can't deny the success of brands like David Beckham and Victoria's Secret, I can't help but think that all of this imagery is taking a detrimental toll on my sexual well-being.  What do you think?

Mood: Tainted

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

On Human Branding

Often the best way to increase your revenue and build your name is through branding.  Staking your claim on a specific product or service in a given industry or marking to indicate your ownership or affiliation with something is one of the greatest forms of promotion.

Today, I want to write about a specific type of branding-  Human branding.  It's something that isn't often talked about but is a huge problem across the world, including in our own backyard.  There are an estimated 18,000 people trafficked into the United States each year, though there is no way to calculate a total number of all illegal trafficking taking place. These individuals are being trafficked to work as sex slaves under the ownership of pimps. This means over 18,000 people, predominately children and women, are being branded by their pimp.

In this industry, the pimp owns you. Sometimes the perception is that prostitutes are dirty, or that they chose that lifestyle.  The truth is, those children and women who are being prostituted were most likely sold into that industry and cannot escape without facing severe abuse or death.  Most children are between the ages of 12-14  when they are abducted by someone who claims ownership on their lives and bodies by forcing them to work for them by selling their bodies to provide income to the pimp. Pimps also will often physically brand the individuals being prostituted- whether by burning them, tattooing them, or etching into them.

When you brand a product or service, you control it- it is entirely under your ownership.  It no longer has it's own identity, but rather the identity that you label and enforce it with.  No human should ever be owned or branded by another individual.

How can you help?

Read up.
Learn the facts about human trafficking or listen to someone's story who has experienced it first hand. The first step to solving a problem is learning what the problem is.

Speak up.
In a powerful video called "The Candy Shop" (A Fairy Tale About the Sexual Exploitation of Children) , they make the statement: "If there wasn't such a need, there wouldn't be so much business, now would there." If we stop buying, they will stop selling.  Speak up for the children and individuals who have lost their freedom and put an end to purchasing humans.

Fight for freedom, or support those who do.
If you would like to help put an end to slavery, I encourage you to visit the following websites to learn how you can help them stop trafficking.

"STOP THE TRAFFIK is a growing global movement of individuals, communities and organizations fighting to PREVENT the sale of people, PROTECT the trafficked and PROSECUTE the traffickers."
"The primary services and programs of Hookers for Jesus are mission driven and are designed to minister healing and restoration of individuals and families affected by sexual explitation.  The primary services of Hookers for Jesus is to Hook (Outreach), Heal (emotional & spiritual restoration), Help (Transitional Assistance) through the Destiny House program."
A21 Campaign
"There are many ways to fight the injustice of human trafficking, and when we link arms and share our resources, our efforts are greatly multiplied.  This is not a battle meant for one person to fight alone, and as individuals and organizations around the world come together as ONE, we are able to join forces and take a stand for justice; together we can make a difference.  Our website is full of resources that will equip you to raise your hand and become that "someone" willing to do "something" to help abolish injustice in the 21st Century.  Make sure you check out the 21 Ways to Help and the Abolitionist Page for more information.  You can also contribute to the financial cost of rescuing and restoring survivors of trafficking via our Donations page."
Hidden Treasures- San Diego
"Hidden Treasures exists in order to rescue and restore women and children victimized by sex slavery and the human trafficking industry."
You can sponsor a child to help keep them out of prostitution and/or pimping.
"Compassion International exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults."
You can sponsor a child to help keep them out of prostitution and/or pimping.
"World Help is a faith-based humanitarian organization that serves the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world."

Let's stand up and put an end to human branding.

Mood: Heartbroken

Friday, May 25, 2012

On David Beckham

Just when I think he can't get any sexier, he flexes, and I'm proven wrong once again. David Beckham bends it like Beethoven in this Samsung Ad and I can honestly say this may be the most "kickin" version of Ode to Joy that I have ever heard.

What I really appreciate about David Beckham besides his rugged good looks and incredible raw talent, is his ability to endorse a product without just standing there saying "I like this product.  You should too."  He's smart about the products he chooses to endorse in making sure that in addition to fitting the brand his sponsors are promoting, they fit his. I think I can speak for the general female population when I say hopefully this is one brand that will be around a while.

Mood: Infatuated

Thursday, May 24, 2012

On #DailyNews

My mornings in the office typically start with a big cup of coffee and my computer. As I drink my coffee and try to convince my body to fully wake up, I peruse all of my communication sources- emails, voicemails, Facebook, Twitter, maybe Drudge Report if I’m feeling particularly ambitious.  In less than 20 minutes I am up to speed on everything important that is taking place in the world on any particular day.  Or at least I feel like I am.
It seems to me that social media is becoming an increasingly popular way to receive current news updates.  Before we can even turn on the television or pick up a paper, we see handfuls of posts on Facebook or Twitter.  Sometimes the news travels so quickly, news reporters aren’t even covering the actual event, but rather the YouTube video or Facebook conversation discussing the past event.
I can’t help but wonder, is the news I am reading about via social media the same as the news I once read in my newspaper or heard on the radio?  Do readers still spend time engaged in news stories, or are 140 characters now enough for us?  Are we becoming lazy, or just more efficient?
Mood: Pensive

On the "Me Brand"

Whether or not we are consciously aware of it, we live in a world defined by branding.  Being in the marketing industry, we often converse about branding as it pertains to a company or a product.  Hours upon hours of analysis and evaluation and strategic tactics go in to determine perception and positioning of a particular campaign.  Though we are proactive in the industry, we can sometimes be inept at the most important (in my opinion) aspect: personal branding.
On average, your first impression is formed in someone’s mind within 7 seconds of meeting you.  In other words, in the time it takes you to say, “Hello, my name is_____. It’s nice to meet you”, you’ve been branded.  And as any marketer will tell you, few things are more important than your brand.  It’s your identity- how people see you.  That can be a lot of pressure.  Sometimes your brand is clear.  You’re the funny one, the nice one, the pretty one, the smart one, the rebellious one, etc.  Sometimes the lines can be a little more blurred.  Here are six ways to help you determine your brand:
1. Meet yourself.  It may feel awkward at first, but spend some time describing yourself to yourself.  What adjectives first pop into your head?  What are you passionate about?  What makes you tick?  What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?  How do you feel about who you are?  Who would you like to be?
2. Take a personality test.  If you’re unsure as to how to describe yourself, try taking a personality test.  A test can help evaluate how you see and react to different situations and what that says about your personality.  It may help you understand why you see things the way that you do.
3. Position yourself.  How do you want to be seen?  Sometimes misconception is inevitable, but more often than not, people will see you the way that you want them to see you.  Make a list of the top 5 adjectives you most want people to think about you, and the top 5 adjectives you hope no one ever thinks about you.  Try to find ways to support your pro list and negate your con list.
4. Do a personal SWOT and brand statement.  If you’re in advertising, use the same model you use for a campaign.  What are your strengths and weaknesses? What opportunities are available to you?  What do you have potential to achieve?  What is holding you back?  What is working against you? What do you have to overcome?  What statement defines who you are and what you’re about?
5. Ask someone.  Do you think you have a brand?  Ask some of your friends and family who you know you well how they would describe you.  See if how you think you come off is how you are actually perceived.  Pay attention to what your co-workers and peers say about you.  Do people compliment any specific qualities?
6. Be you.  It sounds simple, but sometimes being yourself is a challenge.  There is no greater exhaustion than trying to be someone you are not.  If you are outgoing, be outgoing.  If you are reserved, be reserved.  You will always have people telling you to be this way or that, but the bottom line is that no one knows better than you do who you really are.  Take others opinions with a grain of salt.  If you can’t find an existing brand that fits you perfectly, that’s ok.  That’s the beautiful thing about humans.  We’re all unique! Make your own brand.  Be the best version you can be of you; life is too short to be anyone else. 
For further reading check out Forbes “Seven Seconds to Make a First Impression”or Fast Company’s “The Brand Called You.” 


On Writing a Blog When it Won't Write Itself

Sometimes I have a month is just one of those months where there simply doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. You know when you’re not entirely sure what you did every day but somehow every last second was filled with some form of productivity. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, I blinked, and another deadline snuck up on me. Blog time. As I wracked my brain for something inspiring or thought provoking, even just something of general interest to blog about, I was left wondering, how can I write a blog that doesn’t seem to be writing itself? This is what I have concluded.
1. Read a lot. Passing along existing information of interest is phenomenally easier than generating a new line of interesting thought. For example, this week I read “Google It“, “The Social Media Enquirer“, “Social Media is a Venue, Not a Strategy”  , “Ron Johnson Bringing Apple Revival Experience to JC Penney”, and Seth Godin’s blog. I now have a full paragraph of interesting thoughts.
2. Get inspired. Recently I read “5 Quick Ways to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing”, and gave a few of these ideas a shot. I took a walk, updated my journal, did something different, took a media break, and cleaned my office space. It didn’t necessarily pry another paragraph out of me, but it provided a nice change of pace.
3. Just write. Sometimes the best way for something to write itself, is to just pick up a pen or scoot up to your keyboard. Start writing about whatever is running through your head, even if it is as simple as “I would really like a cheeseburger right now,” or “Somebody has been stealing my pens…” reading back through your ramblings and thoughts could help steer you back to a point of inspiration and provide a general direction. It’s surprising how many common or reoccurring themes you can detect in a puddle of thoughts. Then again, they are all your thoughts, and who is more qualified to evaluate and expand on your thoughts than you?
4. Go with it. If you are like me, you may feel that your writing is in a constant draft-state. I never feel like anything I write is ready for publishing. While I highly recommend a good dose of edits and proofs before making your thoughts public, be careful to not over-edit. Sometimes unrefined thoughts can be surprisingly inspiring. Be open to the possibility of your blog changing directions. If it evolves into something different than intended, that’s ok. Keep writing, and go with it.

Mood: Inspired

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

On Commas

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I am a commaholic.

It's true.  I love commas.  I use them all the time, sometimes correctly.  I've been told that I am a conversational writer, meaning I write the same way I would talk. Sometimes when I want to make a point, I pause, or use a meaningful hand gesture, or maybe even- maybe even a deep inhale and thoughtful gaze into the distance before concluding my thought, with the proper voice inflections of course.

Really though I use commas all the time, and more often than not, after I finish writing something, I have to go back through and delete out 90% of my commas, and 30% of my semi colons and dashes.  Now that you have read this far, you have probably noticed the exorbitant amount of unnecessary commas in this post.  Though some are placed here merely for dramatic effect, if you browse through my other blog posts, you probably won't notice a much lower rate of punctuation.

A week or so ago in one of our daily office meetings, the whole team was gathered for an important announcement.  This was vital news and attendance was critical and mandatory.  As we all gathered in the conference room, notepads and pens in hand, eager to hear this imperative update, we received the following tragic information:

"As of today, we will no longer use the serial comma, as the official AP Stylebook deems it unnecessary and in bad taste.  Please remove any superfluous commas on active copy, and please refrain from ever using one in the future."  

My heart sunk.  It was worse than when I learned that Justin and Britney broke up.  No more serial commas?  And why are they called serial commas?  Serial has such a derogatory connotation. Maybe if they called it something more endearing, like a qualifier comma, or a separator comma, or a distinguished comma- maybe then the nice people at AP would be more open to it.

Personally, I like qualifier words like "Personally", that allow me to start a thought and then pause with a comma before finishing, and I like commas before my ands and ors to more clearly establish the separation of thoughts.  And since the serial comma rule has changed every couple of years since the time I was old enough to write, I'm hopeful it will make a comeback.  In the meantime, enjoy this article on the proper and accepted usage of commas.

Mood: Comma-Deprived