Today, I want to write about a specific type of branding- Human branding. It's something that isn't often talked about but is a huge problem across the world, including in our own backyard. There are an estimated 18,000 people trafficked into the United States each year, though there is no way to calculate a total number of all illegal trafficking taking place. These individuals are being trafficked to work as sex slaves under the ownership of pimps. This means over 18,000 people, predominately children and women, are being branded by their pimp.
In this industry, the pimp owns you. Sometimes the perception is that prostitutes are dirty, or that they chose that lifestyle. The truth is, those children and women who are being prostituted were most likely sold into that industry and cannot escape without facing severe abuse or death. Most children are between the ages of 12-14 when they are abducted by someone who claims ownership on their lives and bodies by forcing them to work for them by selling their bodies to provide income to the pimp. Pimps also will often physically brand the individuals being prostituted- whether by burning them, tattooing them, or etching into them.
When you brand a product or service, you control it- it is entirely under your ownership. It no longer has it's own identity, but rather the identity that you label and enforce it with. No human should ever be owned or branded by another individual.
How can you help?
Read up.
Learn the facts about human trafficking or listen to someone's story who has experienced it first hand. The first step to solving a problem is learning what the problem is.
Speak up.
In a powerful video called "The Candy Shop" (A Fairy Tale About the Sexual Exploitation of Children) , they make the statement: "If there wasn't such a need, there wouldn't be so much business, now would there." If we stop buying, they will stop selling. Speak up for the children and individuals who have lost their freedom and put an end to purchasing humans.
Fight for freedom, or support those who do.
If you would like to help put an end to slavery, I encourage you to visit the following websites to learn how you can help them stop trafficking.
"STOP THE TRAFFIK is a growing global movement of individuals, communities and organizations fighting to PREVENT the sale of people, PROTECT the trafficked and PROSECUTE the traffickers."HookersForJesus
"The primary services and programs of Hookers for Jesus are mission driven and are designed to minister healing and restoration of individuals and families affected by sexual explitation. The primary services of Hookers for Jesus is to Hook (Outreach), Heal (emotional & spiritual restoration), Help (Transitional Assistance) through the Destiny House program."A21 Campaign
"There are many ways to fight the injustice of human trafficking, and when we link arms and share our resources, our efforts are greatly multiplied. This is not a battle meant for one person to fight alone, and as individuals and organizations around the world come together as ONE, we are able to join forces and take a stand for justice; together we can make a difference. Our website is full of resources that will equip you to raise your hand and become that "someone" willing to do "something" to help abolish injustice in the 21st Century. Make sure you check out the 21 Ways to Help and the Abolitionist Page for more information. You can also contribute to the financial cost of rescuing and restoring survivors of trafficking via our Donations page."Hidden Treasures- San Diego
"Hidden Treasures exists in order to rescue and restore women and children victimized by sex slavery and the human trafficking industry."Compassion
You can sponsor a child to help keep them out of prostitution and/or pimping.
"Compassion International exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults."WorldHelp
You can sponsor a child to help keep them out of prostitution and/or pimping.
"World Help is a faith-based humanitarian organization that serves the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world."
Let's stand up and put an end to human branding.
Mood: Heartbroken